To obtain a full-time position as a representative in the public/media relations field.


Freelance Publicist, Rainforest Relief
February 2004-Present
New York, NY

  • Currently work to execute various local and national publicity campaigns for a non-profit environmental organization through the production and distribution of educational and promotional press materials aimed to help end the destruction of the Earth's tropical and rainforest hardwood.

Freelance Publicist, Squeaky Wheel Media
June 2002-Present
New York, NY
  • Currently work to secure the publication of news and feature stories on a commercial Web-design firm through the production, distribution and execution of various press materials and promotional campaigns, as well as use of the global online press release wire service, PRNewswire.

Fund-raiser/Program Assistant, Muscular Dystrophy Association
Nov. 2001- February 2003
Canton, MI
  • Coordinated, executed and attended various national and local promotional/fund-raising programs with MDA staff throughout the Metro Detroit region; gained invaluable working knowledge of both non-profit corporations and public affairs.

Regional Public Affairs Coordinator, Muscular Dystrophy Association
May-Sept. 2002
Sterling Heights, MI
  • Acted as the public relations representative for the Metro Detroit and Toledo, OH, regions preceding the MDA Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon; wrote several press releases a week on current and upcoming programs and events, established strong media contacts with area newspapers and other public affairs personnel, and created and executed promotional projects.

Downriver Reporter, Times Herald, a Gannett Newspaper
Feb.-May 2001
Port Huron, MI
  • Wrote 1-3 stories daily covering city government, community events, breaking news and centerpiece features for the downriver Port Huron and Sanilac County, Mich., regions.

Lead Reporter, Three Rivers Community News
May-Nov. 2000
Three Rivers, MI
  • Covered local city/county government, education, breaking news, national events, and human-interest stories as the head reporter of a community newspaper; responsible for taking photos and some editing.

Staff Writer/Editor, Western Herald
Kalamazoo, MI
  • Worked as a reporter and news editor of student/campus/city life and events for the student newspaper at Western Michigan University.

BA in Journalism and Spanish, Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo, MI

  • Completed BA in Journalism and Spanish, including study abroad at the Universidad de Salamanca in Salamanca, Spain, from Jan.-May 1999.
  • Knowledgeable in Microsoft Word/ Works/ Excel/ Publisher software with some layout experience in Quark, Adobe Pagemaker and InDesign.
  • Bilingual; able to speak, read and comprehend Spanish with fluency.

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