Welcome. This site is for prospective employers, and details the progression of my work and job experience from Journalism into Public Relations in order to obtain a full-time media position as a PR representative.

After working as an editor and staff writer for the Western Herald at Western Michigan University and graduating in June 2000 with a BA in Journalism and Spanish, my writing profession primarily focused on community Journalism.

I worked as the lead reporter for the Three Rivers Community News in Three Rivers, Mich., and subsequently as a regional reporter at the daily Gannett newspaper, the Times Herald, in Port Huron, Mich., covering several cities and counties in Michigan.

My growing interest in working for other media venues soon led me to gain the position of public affairs coordinator for the Muscular Dystrophy Association in Sterling Heights, Mich., and my current freelance positions as the publicist for Squeaky Wheel Media and Rainforest Relief in New York City. Over the past two years, these experiences have allowed me to utilize my talents as a writer and reporter to work as a creative partner with editors and various other media professionals on effective local and national publicity campaigns.

As both a Journalist and Public Relations representaive whose versatile work experience has encompassed local, national and feature media coverage through written articles, press releases, media alerts and promotional campaigns that led to major print and Internet publications, I aim to nurture my passion for publicity through future education and employment.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

Best Regards,

Emily Mullen
32916 Summers
Livonia, MI 48154
Home: (734) 422-7317
Cell: (734) 674-6251